10,000 question and answer in modern history
In this very rare book, more than 10,000 (Questions) and answers in the science of history were collected, and the science of history is one of the most important sciences by which a person can know his present and past and chart a path for his future.
The science of history is very important for all groups of people, and therefore the subject of history is not devoid of Teaching it in a school, university or institute, there is no educational institution where history is not a very important part of its study, due to its great importance in knowing the emergence of civilizations and the events of time.
In this book, we started with (Questions) about history from the 16th century, going through all the important centuries and events in the largest countries in the world, going through the wars that occurred and the important influential personalities in the world, as well as the history of different countries, and others, so that the history of the world was almost compiled in this book in the form of a question and answer
And all the book’s questions are between medium, difficult and easy, and they are for all ages, for adults, youth and children
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949 pages
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